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Bayerisches Nationalmuseum
Vivaldi: Harfenkonzert
Haydn: Konzert für Flöte und Harfe
Bizet / Borne: „Carmen" Fantasy für Flöte
Smetana: „Die Moldau“
J. Strauß: „An der schönen blauen Donau“ Walzer
Janine Schöllhorn- Flöte, Emilie Jaulmes- Harfe & Residenz-Solisten
The new concert series ‘Classical Music in the Museum’ combines an 60 minutes concert by the Residenz Soloists.
Max-Joseph hall of the Munich Residence
Haydn: Konzert für Flöte & Harfe
Mozart: Konzert für Flöte & Harfe
Mahler: Adagietto aus 5. Symphonie
Smetana: „Die Moldau“
Bizet: „Carmen“-Fantasie für Flöte
Strauß: Walzer „An der schönen blauen Donau“
Janine Schöllhorn - Flöte, Emilie Jaulmes - Harfe & Residenz-Solisten
The best things come in small packages: With wonderful stucco works and crystal, chandeliers equipped Max's Joseph hall is for many a small pearl in the residence and forms the perfect frame for classical concerts. Just chamber music friends estimate the intimate character of the space.
Cuvilliés Theatre
Vivaldi: Flötenkonzert „Distelfink“
Mozart: Flötenkonzert D-Dur
Mozart: Ouvertüre aus „Die Zauberflöte“
Beethoven: Symphonie Nr. 3 Eroica
Michael Kofler - Soloflöte MPHlL & Residenz-Solisten
The Cuvilliés Theater is one only of the most beautiful and also one of the most important rococo theaters in Europe. In 1753, the hall, decorated entirely in royal purple and gold, with it‘s 14 boxes on 4 floors under Maximilian III. Joseph will be opened. Well-known operas such as Mozart's “Indomeneo” were premiered here. In 1806, Emperor Napoleon attended the opera “Don Giovanni” on the occasion of the inauguration of Bavaria. The Cuvilliés Theater with its “Style rocaille” is an art-historical work of art.
Experience the Residence Soloists in this unique, magnificent environment with a richness of sound that does credit to the masters of classical music and makes their performance a very special listening pleasure.
The Middle Logde is only available per phone-call under: +49 89 2897 5597
The Old Court Chapel
Variable program
Every Saturday you can expect a special cultural hallmark in the Munich Residence troughout the year.
The Residence Soloists are performing in the Court Chapel (Hofkapelle) The historical atmosphere of the court chapel in which also Mozart was performing concerts lets you get in touch with the music of old times. You will find weekly changing performances with masterpieces ranging from Bach, Vivaldi, Haydn and Mozart.
The Old Court Chapel
Variable program
Every Saturday you can expect a special cultural hallmark in the Munich Residence troughout the year. The Residence Soloists are performing in the Court Chapel (Hofkapelle) The historical atmosphere of the court chapel in which also Mozart was performing concerts lets you get in touch with the music of old times. You will find weekly changing performances with masterpieces ranging from Bach, Vivaldi, Haydn and Mozart.
The Old Court Chapel
Variable program
Every Saturday you can expect a special cultural hallmark in the Munich Residence troughout the year. The Residence Soloists are performing in the Court Chapel (Hofkapelle) The historical atmosphere of the court chapel in which also Mozart was performing concerts lets you get in touch with the music of old times. You will find weekly changing performances with masterpieces ranging from Bach, Vivaldi, Haydn and Mozart.
Cuvilliés Theatre
Verdi: „Nabucco“- Ouvertüre
Mendelssohn: Violinkonzert E-Moll
Paganini: „La Campanella“
Dvorak: Symphonie Nr.9 „Aus der Neuen Welt“
Roman Kim – Violine & Residenz-Solisten
The Cuvilliés Theater is one only of the most beautiful and also one of the most important rococo theaters in Europe. In 1753, the hall, decorated entirely in royal purple and gold, with it‘s 14 boxes on 4 floors under Maximilian III. Joseph will be opened. Well-known operas such as Mozart's “Indomeneo” were premiered here. In 1806, Emperor Napoleon attended the opera “Don Giovanni” on the occasion of the inauguration of Bavaria. The Cuvilliés Theater with its “Style rocaille” is an art-historical work of art.
Experience the Residence Soloists in this unique, magnificent environment with a richness of sound that does credit to the masters of classical music and makes their performance a very special listening pleasure.
The Middle Logde is only available per phone-call under: +49 89 2897 5597
Due to limited places, wheelcair seats can only booked through +49 89 2897 5597 manually.
Bayerisches Nationalmuseum
Vivaldi: „Die vier Jahreszeiten“ - Ausschnitte
Marcello: Oboenkonzert
Vivaldi: Violinkonzert „la stravaganza“
Vivaldi: Oboenkonzert
Rossini: Arie des Figaro
The new concert series ‘Classical Music in the Museum’ combines an 60 minutes concert by the Residenz Soloists.
The Old Court Chapel
Variable program
Every Saturday you can expect a special cultural hallmark in the Munich Residence troughout the year. The Residence Soloists are performing in the Court Chapel (Hofkapelle) The historical atmosphere of the court chapel in which also Mozart was performing concerts lets you get in touch with the music of old times. You will find weekly changing performances with masterpieces ranging from Bach, Vivaldi, Haydn and Mozart.
Max-Joseph hall of the Munich Residence
Vivaldi: „Die vier Jahreszeiten“ gesamt
Mozart: Serenade „Eine kleine Nachtmusik“
Rossini: Streicherserenade C-Dur & Arie des Figaro
Brahms: Ungarische Tanz Nr.6
The best things come in small packages: With wonderful stucco works and crystal, chandeliers equipped Max's Joseph hall is for many a small pearl in the residence and forms the perfect frame for classical concerts. Just chamber music friends estimate the intimate character of the space.