The Old Court Chapel
Residence Serenade
Every Saturday you can expect a special cultural hallmark in the Munich Residence troughout the year.
The Residence Soloists are performing in the Court Chapel (Hofkapelle) The historical atmosphere of the court chapel in which also Mozart was performing concerts lets you get in touch with the music of old times. You will find weekly changing performances with masterpieces ranging from Bach, Vivaldi, Haydn and Mozart.
You can combine this concert with the expierence of visiting the residence excluding the Cuvilliés-Theatre. This indulge your eyes with the hidden treasures oft he bavarian kingdom. The visit includes an audioguide for the museum. Valid 2 days before and up to 5 days after the concert. Visiting the museum after the concert is not possible due to opening hours from 10 am. until 5 pm.
every Saturday – 6.30 pm
Price per person for the concert: 38 €
Familyticket for two adults until up to four children under 18 years (Adults do not necessarily have to be parents): 76 €
Dinner option:
After the concert you can combine your experience with a dinner with or without beer tasting in a typical Bavarian restaurant Franziskaner an der Oper: 76€ (with beer tasting 90€)
Variable program